Title Horse Mackerel Hydroacoustic Pilot Survey on the Africana Voyage 096, October 1991

Ian Hampton
Oceans and Coastal Research, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), South Africa

Publisher Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (2024)

Project Leader: Gavin Tutt
Oceans and Coastal Research, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), email: gtsglider@gmail.com

Project Leader: Tarron Lamont
Oceans and Coastal Research, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), email: tarron.lamont@gmail.com

Abstract The Horse Mackerel Hydroacoustic Pilot Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 096 from 14-28 October 1991. The objectives of the cruise were to test the feasibility of obtaining an acoustic estimate of adult horse mackerel; to assess the ability to determine target detectability, target identification and target strength; to obtain an estimate of horse mackerel abundance in a sub-region. The size of the sub-region were to be determined by the time available and on the results of the first two objectives; to collect biological data pertaining to horse mackerel; to measure currents by means of the Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) in order to: a) test for relationships between horse mackerel movement and near-surface and mid-water currents, and b) to add to the ADCP data base for the South East coast; to measure thermal and salinity structure of the water column using a Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), and measurement of basic biotic parameters; oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll; to collect data from the satellite imager on the large-scale influence of the Agulhas current; to obtain a 'snap shot' view of the species diversity and stratification of mesopelagic fish and squids at a point east of the southern Agulhas Bank, in the region of the Agulhas retroflextion.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Temporal extent 14 Oct 1991 – 28 Oct 1991
Geographic extent

North: -33.5
South: -37.5
West: 18.5
East: 27.5

Keywords Africana, Africana 096, sailing orders
Related resources
  • Digital objects included in this collection:
    • Processed CTD continuous observations from the Horse Mackerel Hydroacoustic Pilot Survey on the Africana Voyage 096, October 1991 (10.15493/DEA.MIMS.43072024)
    • Processed CTD discrete observations from the Horse Mackerel Hydroacoustic Pilot Survey on the Africana Voyage 096, October 1991 (10.15493/DEA.MIMS.44072024)