Raw SADCP data from ACEP Deep Secrets: The Outer Shelf and Slope Ecosystems of the Eastern Cape on the Algoa Voyage 230, September 2016
This is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data collected on the ACEP Deep Secrets Cruise which set out to fill in gaps and shed light on the priority areas and research questions identified during the recent Marine Protected Area and Marine Spatial Planning Initiatives of Operation Phakisa’s Marine Protection and Governance Lab. Using underwater cameras (SkiMonkey and Drop camera), grabs, dredges and a CTD the study aimed to improve our knowledge on marine offshore...
Processed SADCP data from Leg 1 of the African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP) II on the Algoa Voyage 177, July 2010
The Algoa sailed from Durban on 16 July 2010 to conduct a hydrographic survey of the Natal Bight as part of the winter African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP) II. A total of 16 shore-normal transects were occupied between Scottburgh and St. Lucia. The aim of the synoptic survey was to determine the nutrient sources of the Natal Bight ecosystem, and to characterise the focus sites across the Bight. This dataset was processed using older standards which may not align with international...