African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP) (3)
Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP: SB) (26)
Marion Island Relief Voyage (19)
Port St Johns CTD and Bathymetry Survey (1)
South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise (10)
Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) (4)
Winter Cruise (7)
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) (170) ✕
Raw SDS data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is raw Scientific Data System (SDS) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and biological parameters that...
Processed XBT data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and biological...
Raw CTD data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is raw Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and biological...
Converted XBT data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is pre-processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and biological...
Raw Underway Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (UCTD) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is raw Underway Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (UCTD) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and...
Raw CTD data from Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) IV on the SA Agulhas II, Voyage 020, July 2016
The SA Agulhas II operated from Cape Town along the Goodhope Line, completing underway biogeochemical and physical oceanography observations along the transect, as part of the Winter 2016 Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) IV and Marginal Ice Zone Dynamics. The cruise included deployment of expendable bathythermographs underway, deployment of four autonomous robotics instruments at two stations (2 wavegliders and 2 buoyancy gliders, per station), and the deployment of two Argo...
Raw SADCP data from Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) IV on the SA Agulhas II, Voyage 020, July 2016
The SA Agulhas II operated from Cape Town along the Goodhope Line, completing underway biogeochemical and physical oceanography observations along the transect, as part of the Winter 2016 Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) IV and Marginal Ice Zone Dynamics. The cruise included deployment of expendable bathythermographs underway, deployment of four autonomous robotics instruments at two stations (2 wavegliders and 2 buoyancy gliders, per station), and the deployment of two Argo...
Raw SDS data from Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) IV on the SA Agulhas II, Voyage 020, July 2016
The SA Agulhas II operated from Cape Town along the Goodhope Line, completing underway biogeochemical and physical oceanography observations along the transect, as part of the Winter 2016 Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) IV and Marginal Ice Zone Dynamics. The cruise included deployment of expendable bathythermographs underway, deployment of four autonomous robotics instruments at two stations (2 wavegliders and 2 buoyancy gliders, per station), and the deployment of two Argo...
Raw TSG data from Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) IV on the SA Agulhas II, Voyage 020, July 2016
The SA Agulhas II operated from Cape Town along the Goodhope Line, completing underway biogeochemical and physical oceanography observations along the transect, as part of the Winter 2016 Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) IV and Marginal Ice Zone Dynamics. The cruise included deployment of expendable bathythermographs underway, deployment of four autonomous robotics instruments at two stations (2 wavegliders and 2 buoyancy gliders, per station), and the deployment of two Argo...
Chl-a data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on Algoa Voyage 248, May 2018
First look at Chl-a data from a survey of West Coast of South Africa, Algoa Voyage V248, as part of the Integrated Ecosystem Programme.
Chl-a data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on Algoa Voyage 244, November 2017
First look at Chl-a data from a survey of West Coast of South Africa, Algoa Voyage 244, as part of the Integrated Ecosystem Programme.
Chl-a data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on Algoa Voyage 246, February 2018
First look at Chl-a data from a survey of West Coast of South Africa, Algoa Voyage 246, as part of the Integrated Ecosystem Programme from the 15 to 22 February 2018. IEP:SB focuses on the biologically productive, cold waters of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which are inherently variable on short time-scales and responsive to changing weather patterms. The research aims to provide relevant, reliable and improved assessment of the ecosystem, in support of its effective...
Marion Island Relief Voyage on SA Agulhas II Voyage 011, April 2014
The Marion Island Relief Voyage was conducted on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 011, 14 April to 14 May 2014. The 2014 Marion Relief Voyage on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II, offered another opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology. The overall aim was to continue contributing to the establishment of an...
Analysed Nutrient data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruise on the Algoa Voyage 242, August 2017
Nutrient data for the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP: SB): Aug 2017 from all stations. IEP:SB focuses on the biologically productive, cold waters of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which are inherently variable on short time-scales and responsive to changing weather patterns. The research aims to provide relevant, reliable and improved assessment of the ecosystem, in support of its effective management, preservation and conservation, so that South...
Analysed Nutrient data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruise on the Algoa Voyage 244, November 2017
Nutrient data for the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP: SB): Nov 2017 from all stations. IEP:SB focuses on the biologically productive, cold waters of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which are inherently variable on short time-scales and responsive to changing weather patterns. The research aims to provide relevant, reliable and improved assessment of the ecosystem, in support of its effective management, preservation and conservation, so that South...
Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 030, April 2018
The Marion Island Relief Voyage was conducted on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 030 from 13 April to 28 April 2018. The 2018 Marion Relief Voyage 030 offered the 6th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial and planktic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II en route to, and around, the...
Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, April 2017
The Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage was conducted on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, 06 April to 12 May 2017. The 2017 Marion Relief Voyage offered the fifth opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II en route to, and around,...
International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 (IIOE2) cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 028, October 2017
The International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 is a collaborative regional cruise to build capacity and strength within Africa. The focus will be on developing students in the region in the areas of physical oceanography, chemistry, biological oceanography, benthic biodiversity, marine top predators and marine plastics.
International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 (IIOE2) cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 032, June 2018
The International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 is a collaborative regional cruise to build capacity and strength within Africa. The focus will be on developing students in the region in the areas of physical oceanography, chemistry, biological oceanography, benthic biodiversity, marine top predators and marine plastics.
Marion Island Relief on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 036, April 2019
The 2019 Marion Relief Voyage offered the 7th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II en route to, and around, the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward archipelago. The overall aim was to continue contributing to an oceanographic...
West Coast Hake Biomass on the Africana Voyage 046, July 1986
The West Coast Hake Biomass was carried out on the Africana Voyage 046 from 1 to 24 July 1986.
West Coast Hake Biomass on the Africana Voyage 033, July 1985
The objectives of this cruise were to survey by means of trawling the abundance of adult and recruiting hake; to investigate the diurnal cycle of hake and other demersal species; to investigate the environment and ecological interrelationships of hake and other demersal species and to carry out acoustic target identification of mesopelagic species with RMT 8 nets.
West Coast Hake Biomass on the Africana Voyage 039, January 1986
The objectives of this cruise were to survey by means of trawling the abundance of adult and recruiting hake; to investigate the diurnal cycle of hake and other demersal species; to investigate the environment and ecological interrelationships of hake and other demersal species; to carry out acoustic target identification of mesopelagic species with RMT 8 nets; to make a few experimental trawls in deep water to search for the other species of monkfish and to determine the offshore limit of...
South Coast Hake Biomass on the Africana Voyage 036, October 1985
The first objective of this cruise was to establish, by means of surveying and trawling between 200m and 500m water depths, the feasibility of extending the hake biomass surveys to the South Coast. The area 20 E to 25 E, from 75m to 200m water depths, has already been covered during biomass surveys by Japanese research vessels, accompanied on each occasion by one of the Institute's scientists. The feasibility of trawling shallower than 200m in this region, albeit with heavy gear, has thus...
West Coast Hake Biomass on the Africana Voyage 028, January 1985
The objectives of this cruise were to survey by means of trawling the abundance of adult and recruiting hake; to investigate the diurnal cycle and the environment of hake and other demersal species; to compare trawling results of R.S. Africana with those of the Chicha Touza, the Spanish trawler used for similar surveys; to carry out acoustic target identification of mesopelagic species using RMT 8 nets and to retrieve two current meter arrays deployed during Voyage 025.