(No DOI)
Pre-processed CTD data from the South Coast Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 208, July 2014

This is pre-processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected on the South Coast Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 208, 9 to 24 July 2014. The South Coast Mooring Cruise had two scientific objectives: (1) Service, maintain and extend the in situ operational oceanography network currently deployed around South Africa and (2) to investigate the dynamics of the Port St Johns eddy and biological implications. Between 1988 and 2011, environmental and plankton sampling was conducted...

(No DOI)
Processed CTD data from the South Coast Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 208, July 2014

This is processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data collected on the South Coast Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 208, 9 to 24 July 2014. The South Coast Mooring Cruise had two scientific objectives: (1) Service, maintain and extend the in situ operational oceanography network currently deployed around South Africa and (2) to investigate the dynamics of the Port St Johns eddy and biological implications. Between 1988 and 2011, environmental and plankton sampling was conducted...

(No DOI)
Pre-processed SADCP data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

This is pre-processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210,15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings. This dataset was processed using older...

(No DOI)
Pre-processed SADCP data from the South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 213, December 2014

This is pre-processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise on Algoa Voyage 213 on 1 to 19 December, 2014. Between 1988 and 2011, environmental and plankton sampling was conducted every summer along the South Coast during the annual pelagic spawner biomass surveys. Data collected during these cruises has provided valuable insight into environmental change in this region. There has been significant decline in copepod...

(No DOI)
Pre-processed CTD data from the South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 213, December 2014

This is pre-processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise on Algoa Voyage 213 on 1 to 19 December, 2014. Between 1988 and 2011, environmental and plankton sampling was conducted every summer along the South Coast during the annual pelagic spawner biomass surveys. Data collected during these cruises has provided valuable insight into environmental change in this region. There has been significant decline in copepod biomass on...

(No DOI)
Processed CTD data from the South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 213, December 2014

This is processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise on Algoa Voyage 213 on 1 to 19 December, 2014. Between 1988 and 2011, environmental and plankton sampling was conducted every summer along the South Coast during the annual pelagic spawner biomass surveys. Data collected during these cruises has provided valuable insight into environmental change in this region. There has been significant decline in copepod biomass on both...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.26052101
Bottom-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) from three nearshore moorings in St Helena Bay, South Africa, Feb-Apr 2011

Concurrent nearshore measurements of current velocity from three moorings offshore of Elands Bay, within St Helena Bay, Southern Benguela, in water depths of ~22 m (mooring 3), ~50 m (mooring 2) and ~62 m (mooring 1).The data were originally presented in "Lucas, A. J., Pitcher, G. C., Probyn, T. A., & Kudela, R. M. (2014, March). The influence of diurnal winds on phytoplankton dynamics in a coastal upwelling system off south-western Africa. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.26052100
Wirewalker wave-powered profilers from three nearshore moorings in St Helena Bay, South Africa, Feb-Apr 2011

Concurrent nearshore measurements of temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll fluorescence from three moorings offshore of Elands Bay, within St Helena Bay, Southern Benguela, in water depths of ~22 m (mooring 3), ~50 m (mooring 2) and ~62 m (mooring 1). The data were originally presented in "Lucas, A. J., Pitcher, G. C., Probyn, T. A., & Kudela, R. M. (2014, March). The influence of diurnal winds on phytoplankton dynamics in a coastal upwelling system off south -western Africa. Deep Sea...

(No DOI)
Raw CTD data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

This is raw Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210,15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings.

(No DOI)
Raw SDS data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

This is Scientific Data System (SDS) data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210,15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings.

(No DOI)
Raw SADCP data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

This is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210,15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings.

(No DOI)
Raw TSG data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

This is raw Thermosalinograph (TSG) data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, 15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings.

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13722023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the GoodHope transect at PIES Mooring GH07 (July 2015 – December 2018)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4970m at location GH07 (42.6941°S; 08.7373°E) along the GoodHope transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 28 July 2015 and 19 December 2018. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13692023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the GoodHope transect at PIES Mooring GH03 (July 2015 – December 2018)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 5070m at location GH03 (37.4076°S; 12.5187°E) along the GoodHope transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 25 July 2015 and 17 December 2018. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13652023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the GoodHope transect at PIES Mooring GH03 (December 2014 – July 2015)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4873m at location GH03 (37.4081°S; 12.5183°E) along the GoodHope transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 6 December 2014 and 25 July 2015. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13662023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the GoodHope transect at PIES Mooring GH06 (December 2014 – July 2015)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4522m at location GH06 (41.3413°S; 09.8868°E) along the GoodHope transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 8 December 2014 and 27 July 2015. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13712023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the GoodHope transect at PIES Mooring GH06 (July 2015 – December 2018)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4680m at location GH06 (41.3483°S; 09.8879°E) along the GoodHope transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 27 July 2015 and 18 December 2018. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13702023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the GoodHope transect at PIES Mooring GH05 (December 2014 – December 2018)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4610m at location GH05 (39.9761°S; 10.7945°E) along the GoodHope transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 07 December 2014 and 18 December 2018. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13642023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the GoodHope transect at PIES Mooring GH01 (December 2014 – July 2015)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4562m at location GH01 (35.2606°S; 14.0440°E) along the GoodHope transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 6 December 2014 and 24 July 2015. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13672023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the GoodHope transect at PIES Mooring GH07 (December 2014 – July 2015)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4734m at location GH07 (42.6913°S; 08.7358°E) along the GoodHope transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 8 December 2014 and 28 July 2015. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13682023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the GoodHope transect at PIES Mooring GH02 (December 2014 – December 2018)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4655m at location GH02 (36.2203°S; 13.3018°E) along the GoodHope transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 6 December 2014 and 16 December 2018. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13782023
Raw PIES data for long-term observations of acoustic travel time (tau) and bottom pressure along the SAMBA transect at PIES P4a (September 2021 - September 2023)

Here we present raw data time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4672m at location P4a (34.4996°S; 12.9172°E) along the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) Basin-scale Array (SAMBA) transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 28 September 2021 and 21 September 2023. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13762023
Raw PIES data for long-term observations of acoustic travel time (tau) and bottom pressure along the SAMBA transect at PIES P3a (October 2021 - September 2023)

Here we present raw data from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4224m at location P3a (34.5000°S; 15.7878°E) along the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) Basin-scale Array (SAMBA) transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 1 October 2021 and 20 September 2023. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13822023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the SAMBA transect at PIES Mooring P1 (October 2021 - September 2023)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 1291m at location P1 (34.4054°S; 17.5472°E) along the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) Basin-scale Array (SAMBA) transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 3 October 2021 and 19 September 2023. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13852023
Long-term observations of daily acoustic travel time along the SAMBA transect at PIES Mooring P3a (October 2021 – September 2023)

Here we present processed travel time from a Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounder (PIES) located at a depth of 4224m at location P3a (34.5000°S; 15.7878°E) along the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) Basin-scale Array (SAMBA) transect in the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic Ocean, between 1 October 2021 and 18 September 2023. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to...

Geographic extent

1000 km
Leaflet Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, 2012

Temporal extent