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DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.07122024
Raw Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts collected during the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 062, May 2024

Here we present 59 raw Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts collected along the Crossroads Transect, between 13 May 2024 and 15 May 2024, during the 2024 Marion Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 062. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the variability of the main Southern Ocean frontal...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.06122024
Processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts collected during the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 062, May 2024

Here we present 59 processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts collected along the Crossroads Transect, between 13 May 2024 and 15 May 2024, during the during the 2024 Marion Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 062. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the variability of the main...

(No DOI)
Processed CTD data from the Marion Island Relief on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 036, April 2019

The 2019 Marion Relief Voyage offered the 7th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II en route to, and around, the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward archipelago. The overall aim was to continue contributing to an oceanographic...

(No DOI)
Processed Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 030, April 2018

This processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 030 from 13 April to 28 April 2018. The Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data is uncalibrated and not verified. The 2018 Marion Relief Voyage 030 offered the 6th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial and...

(No DOI)
Processed CTD data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, April 2017

This is processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, 06 April to 12 May 2017. The 2017 Marion Relief Voyage offered the fifth opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply...

(No DOI)
Processed SADCP data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, April 2017

This is processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, 06 April to 12 May 2017. The 2017 Marion Relief Voyage offered the fifth opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar...

(No DOI)
Processed and corrected CTD data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 019, April 2016

This is processed and corrected Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 019, 7 April to 16 May 2016. The 2016 Marion Relief Voyage 019 offered the 4th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, ship-based marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research...

(No DOI)
Preliminary processed and bin averaged CTD data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 019, April 2016

This is processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data (1m BinAvg) from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 019, 7 April to 16 May 2016. The 2016 Marion Relief Voyage 019 offered the 4th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, ship-based marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research...

(No DOI)
Preliminary processed CTD data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 019, April 2016

This is processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 019, 7 April to 16 May 2016. The 2016 Marion Relief Voyage 019 offered the 4th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, ship-based marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply...

(No DOI)
Processed SADCP data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on SA Agulhas II Voyage 011, April 2014

This is processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on SA Agulhas II Voyage 011, 14 April to 14 May 2014. The 2014 Marion Relief Voyage on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II, offered another opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology. The overall aim was to...

(No DOI)
Processed CTD data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 007, April 2013

This is processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 007, 10 April to 16 May 2013.The 2013 Marion Relief Voyage 007 on board South Africa’s new polar research and supply vessel, the SA Agulhas II, afforded yet another opportunity to conduct multi-institutional (DEA, DAFF, UCT, SAEON, Rhodes University) and multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research that focused on links and interactions between air and sea,...

(No DOI)
Raw CTD data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, April 2017

This is raw Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, 06 April to 12 May 2017. The 2017 Marion Relief Voyage offered the fifth opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply...

(No DOI)
Raw CTD data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 015, April 2015

This is raw Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 015 from 9 April to 15 May, 2015. The 2015 Marion Relief Voyage on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II offered yet another opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.11222023
Raw Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts collected during the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 057, May 2023

Here we present 36 raw Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts collected in the South West Indian Ridge area and along the Crossroads Transect, between 14 May 2023 and 17 May 2023, during the 2023 Marion Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 057. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.11462023
Processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts collected during the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 057, May 2023

Here we present 31 processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts collected in the South West Indian Ridge area and along the Crossroads Transect, between 14 May 2023 and 18 May 2023, during the 2023 Marion Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 057. The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13572023
Raw underway Thermosalinograph (TSG) observations from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on SA Agulhas II Voyage 057, April 2023

Here we present the 6-second resolution raw Thermosalinograph (TSG) data collected between 16 April 2023 and 18 May 2023 during the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 057. A SeaBird SBE45 TSG is used to opportunistically collect underway near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements during research and monitoring cruises. Water is continuously pumped to the TSG from an intake located in the hull of the vessel, and the observations are continuously interfaced...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13562023
Processed underway Thermosalinograph (TSG) observations from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on SA Agulhas II Voyage 057, April 2023

Here we present the 6-second resolution processed Thermosalinograph (TSG) data collected between 16 April 2023 and 18 May 2023 during the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 057. A SeaBird SBE45 TSG is used to opportunistically collect underway near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements during research and monitoring cruises. Water is continuously pumped to the TSG from an intake located in the hull of the vessel, and the observations are continuously...

(No DOI)
Raw SDS data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 015, April 2015

This is raw Scientific Data System (SDS) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 015 from 9 April to 15 May, 2015. The 2015 Marion Relief Voyage on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II offered yet another opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.20210411
Processed underway Thermosalinograph (TSG) observations from SA Agulhas II Voyage 015, April 2015 - May 2015

A SeaBird SBE45 Thermosalinograph (TSG) is used to opportunistically collect underway near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements during research and monitoring cruises. Water is continuously pumped to the TSG from an intake located in the hull of the vessel, and the observations are continuously interfaced with navigational information. A temperature sensor close to the intake provides temperature measurements of the incoming water (T1). The temperature of the water inside the...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.20210412
Raw underway Thermosalinograph (TSG) observations from SA Agulhas II Voyage 015, April 2015 - May 2015

A SeaBird SBE45 Thermosalinograph (TSG) is used to opportunistically collect underway near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements during research and monitoring cruises. Water is continuously pumped to the TSG from an intake located in the hull of the vessel, and the observations are continuously interfaced with navigational information. A temperature sensor close to the intake provides temperature measurements of the incoming water (T1). The temperature of the water inside the...

(No DOI)
Raw SADCP data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 007, April 2013

This is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 007, 10 April to 16 May 2013. The 2013 Marion Relief Voyage 007 on board South Africa’s new polar research and supply vessel, the SA Agulhas II, afforded yet another opportunity to conduct multi-institutional (DEA, DAFF, UCT, SAEON, Rhodes University) and multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research that focused on links and interactions between air...

(No DOI)
Raw SDS data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, April 2017

This is raw Scientific Data System (SDS) data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, 06 April to 12 May 2017. The 2017 Marion Relief Voyage offered the fifth opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA...

(No DOI)
Raw SADCP data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, April 2017

This is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, 06 April to 12 May 2017. The 2017 Marion Relief Voyage offered the fifth opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research...

(No DOI)
Raw CTD data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 019, April 2016

This is raw Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 019, 7 April to 16 May 2016. The 2016 Marion Relief Voyage 019 offered the 4th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, ship-based marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel...

(No DOI)
Raw SADCP data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 015, April 2015

This is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 015 from 9 April to 15 May, 2015. The 2015 Marion Relief Voyage on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II offered yet another opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including...

63 datasets found Page 1 of 3