DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052222
Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise: Cape Point and Port St Johns on the Algoa Voyage 204, November 2013

The Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise: Cape Point and Port St Johns was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 204, 25 November to 6 December, 2013. The South Coast Mooring Cruise had two scientific objectives: (1) Service, maintain and extend the in situ operational oceanography network currently deployed around South Africa and (2) to investigate the dynamics of the Port St Johns eddy and biological implications. On this cruise, the French ADCP SAMOC mooring was deployed. The Cape Recife...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052225
South Coast Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 208, July 2014

The South Coast Mooring Cruise was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 208, 9 to 24 July 2014. Two ADCP current moorings and a thermistor chain were deployed along the Cape Point Monitoring line. Cape Recife ADCP current mooring was recovered. Four ADCP current moorings were recovered and serviced in Algoa Bay. Port St. Johns ADCP current mooring was recovered. Port St. Johns Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)/bongo survey lines were completed. SVP drifters in the Agulhas Current core were...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.01202023
Raw underway Thermosalinograph (TSG) observations from the SAMBA Monitoring Line cruise on the Algoa Voyage 275, September 2021

Here we present the 6-second resolution raw Thermosalinograph (TSG) data collected on the Algoa Voyage 275 on the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean, between 13 September and 3 October 2021. A SeaBird SBE45 Thermosalinograph (TSG) is used to opportunistically collect underway near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements during research and monitoring cruises. Water is continuously pumped to the...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052227
South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

The South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 210, 15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings. Four tall moorings were recovered, serviced and re-deployed on the SAMBA transect, incorporating ADCP’s...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.26052101
Bottom-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) from three nearshore moorings in St Helena Bay, South Africa, Feb-Apr 2011

Concurrent nearshore measurements of current velocity from three moorings offshore of Elands Bay, within St Helena Bay, Southern Benguela, in water depths of ~22 m (mooring 3), ~50 m (mooring 2) and ~62 m (mooring 1).The data were originally presented in "Lucas, A. J., Pitcher, G. C., Probyn, T. A., & Kudela, R. M. (2014, March). The influence of diurnal winds on phytoplankton dynamics in a coastal upwelling system off south-western Africa. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in...

(No DOI)
Raw CTD data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199, June 2013

This is raw Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199 from 29 June - 3 July, 2013. The area covered includes Slangkop, off of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa to Port Edward, south of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

(No DOI)
Raw SDS data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199, June 2013

This is Scientific Data System (SDS) data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199 from 29 June - 3 July, 2013. The area covered includes Slangkop, off of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa to Port Edward, south of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

(No DOI)
Raw TSG data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199, June 2013

This is raw Thermosalinograph (TSG) data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199 from 29 June - 3 July, 2013. The area covered includes Slangkop, off of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa to Port Edward, south of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

(No DOI)
Raw SPAR data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199, June 2013

This is raw Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation (SPAR) data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199 from 29 June - 3 July, 2013. The area covered includes Slangkop, off of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa to Port Edward, south of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

(No DOI)
Raw CTD data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

This is raw Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210,15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings.

(No DOI)
Raw SDS data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

This is Scientific Data System (SDS) data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210,15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings.

(No DOI)
Raw SADCP data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

This is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210,15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings.

(No DOI)
Raw TSG data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

This is raw Thermosalinograph (TSG) data for the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, 15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings.

(No DOI)
Pre-processed CTD data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199, June 2013

This is pre-processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 199 from 29 June - 3 July, 2013. The area covered includes Slangkop, off of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa to Port Edward, south of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. This dataset was processed using older standards which may not align with international best practices and the standards currently adhered to by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)....

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.25010031
Raw ADCP data from long-term observations of currents at SAMBA Mooring 9, April 2017 - May 2018

The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the variability of the main Southern Ocean frontal systems associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), south of Africa. Here we present raw data from an ADCP, located at a depth of 219m at Mooring 9 (34.5011°S; 17.1395°E) along the South Atlantic...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.25010020
Raw ADCP data from long-term observations of currents at SAMBA Mooring 7, September 2014 - December 2015

The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the variability of the main Southern Ocean frontal systems associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), south of Africa. Here we present raw data from an ADCP, located at a depth of 606m at Mooring 7 (34.3939°S; 17.5944°E) along the South Atlantic...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.25010029
Raw ADCP data from long-term observations of currents at SAMBA Mooring 8, April 2017 - October 2018

The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the variability of the main Southern Ocean frontal systems associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), south of Africa. Here we present raw data from an ADCP, located at a depth of 602m at Mooring 8 (34.4991°S; 17.3019°E) along the South Atlantic...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.25010017
Raw ADCP data from long-term observations of currents at SAMBA Mooring 3, July 2014 - December 2014

The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the variability of the main Southern Ocean frontal systems associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), south of Africa. Here we present raw data from an ADCP, deployed at a depth of 285m at Mooring 3 (34.27387°S; 17.94018°E) along the South Atlantic...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.25010030
Raw ADCP data from long-term observations of currents at SAMBA Mooring 4, April 2017 - October 2018

The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the variability of the main Southern Ocean frontal systems associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), south of Africa. Here we present raw data from an ADCP, deployed at a depth of 320m at Mooring 4 (34.2948°S; 17.8802°E) along the South Atlantic...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.26052037
Long-term observations of hourly bottom temperatures on the Prince Edward Island shelf at Mooring 2 (April 2014 - April 2015)

The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the variability of the main Southern Ocean frontal systems associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), south of Africa. Here we present processed hourly bottom temperature from an ADCP at location M2 (46.7125°S; 37.900°E) on the Prince Edward Island...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13932023
Seawater temperature data from intertidal rockpools in Elands Bay, 9 to 30 November 2022

To better understand the physiological effects of climate change and ocean acidification on marine organisms, information on the environmental conditions experienced in their natural habitats is required. Data from long-term monitoring studies capture in situ variability of environmental parameters that are used to relate experimental findings with field conditions. Elands Bay on the west coast of South Africa is a key location for such research and monitoring. It is a popular location for...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13922023
Raw seawater temperature data from intertidal rockpools in Elands Bay, 9 November 2022 to 13 March 2023

To better understand the physiological effects of climate change and ocean acidification on marine organisms, information on the environmental conditions experienced in their natural habitats is required. Data from long-term monitoring studies capture in situ variability of environmental parameters that are used to relate experimental findings with field conditions. Elands Bay on the west coast of South Africa is a key location for such research and monitoring. It is a popular location for...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.13942023
Seawater temperature data from intertidal rockpools in Elands Bay, 1 to 31 December 2022

To better understand the physiological effects of climate change and ocean acidification on marine organisms, information on the environmental conditions experienced in their natural habitats is required. Data from long-term monitoring studies capture in situ variability of environmental parameters that are used to relate experimental findings with field conditions. Elands Bay on the west coast of South Africa is a key location for such research and monitoring. It is a popular location for...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.14072023
Seawater temperature data from intertidal rockpools in Elands Bay, 1 to 31 May 2023

To better understand the physiological effects of climate change and ocean acidification on marine organisms, information on the environmental conditions experienced in their natural habitats is required. Data from long-term monitoring studies capture in situ variability of environmental parameters that are used to relate experimental findings with field conditions. Elands Bay on the west coast of South Africa is a key location for such research and monitoring. It is a popular location for...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.14282023
Seawater temperature data from a subtidal habitat in Elands Bay, 5 to 30 June 2023

To better understand the physiological effects of climate change and ocean acidification on marine organisms, information on the environmental conditions experienced in their natural habitats is required. Data from long-term monitoring studies capture in situ variability of environmental parameters that are used to relate experimental findings with field conditions. Elands Bay on the west coast of South Africa is a key location for such research and monitoring. It is a popular location for...

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