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Northern Benguela shelf and open ocean seasonal mean microphytoplankton proportion time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean microphytoplankton proportion for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Northern Benguela (15-29°S;8-16.8°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Southern Benguela shelf and open ocean seasonal mean chlorophyll a time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean chlorophyll a (mg m-3) for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Southern Benguela (29-34.3°S;12-18.5°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Southern Benguela shelf and open ocean seasonal mean nanophytoplankton proportion time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean nanophytoplankton proportion for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Southern Benguela (29-34.3°S;12-18.5°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Agulhas Bank shelf total cumulative upwelling index, 1997 to 2018
Seasonal mean total cumulative upwelling in the Agulhas Bank (33.3-37.5°S;18.5-27°E) shelf region during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring.
Agulhas Bank shelf and open ocean seasonal mean picophytoplankton proportion time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean picophytoplankton proportion for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Agulhas Bank (33.3-37.5°S;18.5-27°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) EnOI Version 1.1 Raw (L3R) Regional Agulhas 10km Ocean State Estimate 2009
The greater Agulhas Current is one of the most energetic current systems in the global ocean. It plays a fundamental role in determining the mean state and variability of the regional marine environment, affecting its resources and ecosystem, the regional weather and the global climate on a broad range of temporal and spatial scales. In the absence of a coherent in-situ and satellite-based observing system in region, modelling and data assimilation techniques play a crucial role in both...
Agulhas Bank shelf and open ocean seasonal mean microphytoplankton proportion time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean microphytoplankton proportion for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Agulhas Bank (33.3-37.5°S;18.5-27°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Northern Benguela shelf and open ocean seasonal mean chlorophyll a time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean chlorophyll a (mg m-3) for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Northern Benguela (15-29°S;8-16.8°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Agulhas Bank shelf and open ocean seasonal mean chlorophyll a time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean chlorophyll a (mg m-3) for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Agulhas Bank (33.3-37.5°S;18.5-27°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Northern Benguela shelf and open ocean seasonal mean nanophytoplankton proportion time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean nanophytoplankton proportion for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Northern Benguela (15-29°S;8-16.8°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Northern Benguela shelf and open ocean seasonal mean picophytoplankton proportion time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean picophytoplankton proportion for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Northern Benguela (15-29°S;8-16.8°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Southern Benguela shelf and open ocean seasonal mean microphytoplankton proportion time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean microphytoplankton proportion for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Southern Benguela (29-34.3°S;12-18.5°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Southern Benguela shelf and open ocean seasonal mean picophytoplankton proportion time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean picophytoplankton proportion for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Southern Benguela (29-34.3°S;12-18.5°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Agulhas Bank shelf and open ocean seasonal mean nanophytoplankton proportion time series, 1997 to 2018
Reconstructed seasonal mean nanophytoplankton proportion for SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua in the Agulhas Bank (33.3-37.5°S;18.5-27°E) shelf and open ocean regions during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Shelf and open ocean regions have been separated using the GEBCO 1000m isobath.
Northern Benguela shelf total cumulative upwelling index, 1997 to 2018
Seasonal mean total cumulative upwelling in the Northern Benguela (15-29°S;8-16.8°E) shelf region during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring.
Southern Benguela shelf total cumulative upwelling index, 1997 to 2018
Seasonal mean total cumulative upwelling in the Southern Benguela (29-34.3°S;12-18.5°E) shelf region during austral summer, autumn, winter, and spring.
Agulhas Bank Boundary Processes on the Africana Voyage 099, January 1992
The Agulhas Bank Boundary Processes was conducted on the Africana Voyage 099, from 07-28 January 1992. The objectives of the cruise were to study the entrainment/loss of biota (fish eggs, larvae and plankton) along the shelf and shelf-edge by currents. This was undertaken by means of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP; current) measurements, and regular collection of biota with a combined bongo/calVET net with u³; to estimate the flux of the Agulhas Current along two lines by means of...