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Echo sounder data from ACEP Deep Secrets: The Outer Shelf and Slope Ecosystems of the Eastern Cape on the Algoa Voyage 230, September 2016

This is Echo Sounder data collected on the ACEP Deep Secrets Cruise which set out to fill in gaps and shed light on the priority areas and research questions identified during the recent Marine Protected Area and Marine Spatial Planning Initiatives of Operation Phakisa’s Marine Protection and Governance Lab. Using underwater cameras (SkiMonkey and Drop camera), grabs, dredges and a CTD the study aimed to improve our knowledge on marine offshore habitats, as well as to build understanding of...

(No DOI)
Raw Echo Sounder data from the West Coast Cetacean Distribution and Abundance Survey on the Algoa Voyage 231, October 2016

Raw Echo Sounder data for the 2016 West Coast Cetacean Cruise. The survey operated on the shelf and slope regions off the west coast of South Africa, between Area 1 (Dassen Island, 18.23669, -33.457 and Groenriviermond, 17.52061, -30.8277) and Area 2 (North-East Robben Island and Cape Point). This cruise was undertaken for data collection as part of a collaborative project led by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) in collaboration with the Whale Unit, Mammal Research Institute of...

(No DOI)
Raw Echo Sounder data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 007, April 2013

This is raw Echo Sounder data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 007, 10 April to 16 May 2013. The 2013 Marion Relief Voyage 007 on board South Africa’s new polar research and supply vessel, the SA Agulhas II, afforded yet another opportunity to conduct multi-institutional (DEA, DAFF, UCT, SAEON, Rhodes University) and multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research that focused on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, biogeochemistry,...

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