DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052218
Western Indian Ocean Sustainable Ecosystem Alliance Cruise on Algoa Voyage 197, April 2013

The Western Indian Ocean Sustainable Ecosystem Alliance Cruise was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 197, 1 to 29 April, 2013. Long-term offshore ecosystem monitoring in the SWIO started with the establishment of a shallow (18m) UTR network by ACEP. The ASCLME project adopted the UTR network and together with NOAA, NIOZ, DEA and ACEP instituted an annual mooring cruise. A wide range of state-of-the-art in-situ instruments from various international programmes and initiatives were deployed during...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052213
Sardine, Hake, and Anchovy Recruitment Programme (SHARP) / St. Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) on the Africana Voyage 280, February 2012

At the intiation of the original SARP project the operational objective was to investigate variability in the transport of clupeoid eggs and larvae by the Benguela jet current from the south coast spawning grounds to the west coast nursery area as this would impact recruitment, thereby influencing the abundance of pelagic resources. To date 17 years worth of data have been collected on a transect perpendicular to the coast off Slangkop, the SARP line. Many valuable conclusions have been...

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Preliminary processed SADCP data from the Gough Island Relief cruise on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 021, September 2016

This is processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Gough Island Relief cruise on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 021, between 01 September 2016 and 06 October 2016. The Gough Island Relief Voyage is an annual cruise undertaken by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to change the overwintering team in Gough Island and to replenish the supplies at the British’s leased Gough Island Research base. The cruise also serves as a means to transport the residents...

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Raw CTD data from SANAE on SA Agulhas II Voyage 014, December 2014

The is raw Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the SANAE on SA Agulhas II Voyage 014, 14 December 2014 and 19 February 2015 with full scientific complement. The South African National Antarctic Expedition (SANAE) is an annual cruise undertaken by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to change the overwintering teams in Antarctica and to replenish the supplies at the SANAE IV Research base. This voyage was to deliver the SANAE 54 team to the island and return with the...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052230
South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 213, December 2014

The South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 213 on 1 to 19 December, 2014. Two data pods were released and recovered from (1) ADCP mooring and (2) CPIES deployed during the September 2013 Gough Cruise. Cape Recife ADCP current mooring was recovered. Four ADCP current moorings were recovered and serviced in Algoa Bay. Port St. Johns ADCP current mooring was recovered. Port St. Johns CTD/bongo survey lines were completed. DIC and pCO2 sampling was...

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Raw SADCP data from SANAE on SA Agulhas II Voyage 014, December 2014

The is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the SANAE on SA Agulhas II Voyage 014, 14 December 2014 and 19 February 2015 with full scientific complement.The South African National Antarctic Expedition (SANAE) is an annual cruise undertaken by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to change the overwintering teams in Antarctica and to replenish the supplies at the SANAE IV Research base. This voyage was to deliver the SANAE 54 team to the island and return...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052214
African Coelecanth Ecology Programme (ACEP) Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 130, July 2004

The African Coelecanth Ecology Programme (ACEP) Cruise was on the Algoa Voyage 130, July 2004. The area covered includes the Western Indian Ocean; South African East Coast; Delago Bight - Mozambique; Tanzanian Coast; Comoros.

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Raw SADCP data from the Gough Island Relief cruise on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 021, September 2016

This is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Gough Island Relief cruise on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 021, between 01 September 2016 and 06 October 2016. The Gough Island Relief Voyage is an annual cruise undertaken by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to change the overwintering team in Gough Island and to replenish the supplies at the British’s leased Gough Island Research base. The cruise also serves as a means to transport the residents and/or...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.52072024
Processed CTD continuous observations from the West Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 100, February 1992

Here we present processed downcast Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) continuous data collected between 06 February and 03 March 1992, during voyage 100 on the FRS Africana, in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) region on the west coast of Southern Africa. Neil Brown MK3 and MK4 CTD instruments were used to measure pressure, temperature and conductivity through the water column during research and monitoring cruises between 1983 and 2000.

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052222
Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise: Cape Point and Port St Johns on the Algoa Voyage 204, November 2013

The Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise: Cape Point and Port St Johns was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 204, 25 November to 6 December, 2013. The South Coast Mooring Cruise had two scientific objectives: (1) Service, maintain and extend the in situ operational oceanography network currently deployed around South Africa and (2) to investigate the dynamics of the Port St Johns eddy and biological implications. On this cruise, the French ADCP SAMOC mooring was deployed. The Cape Recife...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052225
South Coast Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 208, July 2014

The South Coast Mooring Cruise was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 208, 9 to 24 July 2014. Two ADCP current moorings and a thermistor chain were deployed along the Cape Point Monitoring line. Cape Recife ADCP current mooring was recovered. Four ADCP current moorings were recovered and serviced in Algoa Bay. Port St. Johns ADCP current mooring was recovered. Port St. Johns Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)/bongo survey lines were completed. SVP drifters in the Agulhas Current core were...

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Preliminary processed CTD discrete observations from the Algoa Voyage 246, February 2018

SeaBird CTD Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) instruments were used to measure pressure, temperature and conductivity through the water column. During some cruises additional instruments for oxygen, fluorescence, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), Surface PAR (SPAR), turbidity, beam attenuation, beam transmission measurements were connected to the CTD unit. Here we present preliminary processed CTD discrete data from the upcast collected between 15 February 2018 and 22 February...

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Preliminary processed CTD continuous observations from the Algoa Voyage 242, August 2017

SeaBird CTD Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) instruments were used to measure pressure, temperature and conductivity through the water column. During some cruises additional instruments for oxygen, fluorescence, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), Surface PAR (SPAR), turbidity, beam attenuation, beam transmission measurements were connected to the CTD unit. Here we present preliminary processed downcast CTD continuous data collected between 24 August 2017 and 30 August 2017,...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052151
Processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) casts collected during the 2014 Marion Relief Voyage on SA Agulhas Voyage 011

The South African component of the international South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation project (SAMOC-SA) aims to characterise the time-mean and time-varying components of the SAMOC in the South Atlantic Ocean and monitor the variability of the main Southern Ocean frontal systems associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), south of Africa. The Crossroads monitoring line, directly under the altimetry track N198, is sampled annually during the Marion Relief voyages,...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.25010001
Processed underway Thermosalinograph (TSG) observations from Algoa Voyage 268, February - March 2020

A SeaBird SBE45 Thermosalinograph (TSG) is used to opportunistically collect underway near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements during research and monitoring cruises. Water is continuously pumped to the TSG from an intake located in the hull of the vessel, and the observations are continuously interfaced with navigational information. A temperature sensor close to the intake provides temperature measurements of the incoming water (T1). The temperature of the water inside the...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.01202023
Raw underway Thermosalinograph (TSG) observations from the SAMBA Monitoring Line cruise on the Algoa Voyage 275, September 2021

Here we present the 6-second resolution raw Thermosalinograph (TSG) data collected on the Algoa Voyage 275 on the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean, between 13 September and 3 October 2021. A SeaBird SBE45 Thermosalinograph (TSG) is used to opportunistically collect underway near-surface temperature and conductivity measurements during research and monitoring cruises. Water is continuously pumped to the...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052227
South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean on Algoa Voyage 210, September 2014

The South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) Monitoring Line in the South-East Atlantic Ocean was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 210, 15 to 29 September, 2014. This cruise had a primary scientific objective of extending the SAMBA mooring line, the offshore section of the Cape Point long-term monitoring line, and deploying the four offshore tall moorings. Four tall moorings were recovered, serviced and re-deployed on the SAMBA transect, incorporating ADCP’s...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26500009
Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on the Algoa Voyage 268, February 2020

The Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 286, February 2020. Multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional platform to undertake relevant science in the Southern Benguela; also functioning as a platform for collaboration and learning. All projects aim to develop an ecosystem indicator that can be used to effectively monitor and understand the Southern Benguela i.e physical, chemical, planktonic, microbial, seabird and benthic ecosystem...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052228
West Coast Cetacean Distribution and Abundance Survey on the Algoa Voyage 211, October 2014

The West Coast Cetacean Distribution and Abundance Survey was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 211, 28 October to 10 November 2014. The cruise operated on the shelf and slope regions off the West Coast of South Africa, between Dassen Island and Groenriviermond. The major objective of this cruise was to survey the abundance and distribution of cetaceans, in particular humpback whales, within the study area on the west coast. This objective, along with the research aims and proposed...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052256
South African National Antarctic Expedition (SANAE) on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 005, December 2012

The South African National Antarctic Expedition (SANAE) is an annual cruise undertaken by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to change the overwintering teams in Antarctica and to replenish the supplies at the SANAE IV Research base. This voyage was to deliver the SANAE 52 team to the island and return with the SANAE 51 team. The cruise was undertaken between 06 December 2012 and 19 February 2013 with full scientific complement.

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052217
St Helena Bay Monitoring Line (SHBML) on the Algoa Voyage 195, March 2013

The St Helena Bay Monitoring Line, which now falls under the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela, was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 195, 4 to 8 March, 2013. The St Helena Bay Monitoring Line was initiated as a BENEFIT-driven project on "shipboard monitoring" which linked with similar lines run in Namibia and Angola. The aims are to obtain seasonal and interannual information on the hydrology and productivity of the area. Data on harmful algal blooms, low oxygen water and...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.11882023
Pelagic Fish Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 078, November 1989

The Pelagic Fish Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 078 from 7 - 30 November 1989. The objectives of the cruise were to conduct an estimation of the biomass and population structure of anchovy, pilchard and round herring off South Africa by means of echo-integration and midwater trawling; to conduct an estimation of anchovy biomass by means of the egg production method; to describe the distribution and behaviour patterns of commercially harvested epi-pelagic and meso-pelagic...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.11832023
South-east Atlantic Expedition on the Africana Voyage 071, April 1989

The South-east Atlantic Expedition was conducted on the Africana Voyage 071 from 4 April - 2 May 1989. The South-east Atlantic Expedition had as its main objectives the investigation of the distribution and abundance of phyllosoma larvae of Jasus in the Cape Basin, a comparative study of larval recruitment of Jasus tristani and Jasus lalandii, and the investigation of the circulation in, and ventilation of, the south western Cape Basin. The work was aimed at improving the understanding of...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.11842023
Anchovy Recruitment Survey on the Africana Voyage 073, June 1989

The Anchovy Recruitment Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 073 from 8 - 22 June 1989. The survey objectives were to assess anchovy recruitment strength in South African waters in order to recommend a final quota for the 1989 RSA anchovy fishing season; to collect data for the determination of the target strength of anchovy and other pelagic and mesopelagic species; to collect data on shoaling behaviour of pelagic fish, specifically anchovy, pilchard and red-eye; to investigate...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.20112022
Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on the Algoa Voyage 277, November 2021

This Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruise was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 277 in November 2021. This is a long-term monitoring line conducted off the coast of Kleinsee, Namaqualand, Elands/St Helena Bay and Scarborough on the west coast of South Africa. The IEP:SB in 2013 consolidated a long-term, multi-decadal time-series (from 1951 onward) of information for this important region and has continued monitoring in the form of the IEP:SB. The programme is a...

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