African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP) (5)
Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP: SB) (26)
International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 (IIOE2) (10)
Marion Island Relief Voyage (19)
Port St Johns CTD and Bathymetry Survey (1)
South Coast Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise (10)
Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) (4)
Winter Cruise (7)
Raw CTD continuous observations from the West Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 059, February 1988
Here we present raw Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) continuous data collected between 02 February and 25 February 1988, during the West Coast Hake Biomass Cruise on the Africana Voyage 059, in the southern part of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) region on the west coast of South Africa. Neil Brown MK3 and MK4 CTD instruments were used to measure pressure, temperature and conductivity through the water column during research and monitoring cruises between 1983 and...
South Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 063, May 1988
The objective of the cruise was to survey by means of trawling the abundance of adult and recruiting hake, sole and other trawl target species; to investigate the environment and interrelationships of hake and other demersal species in various depth strata; to study demersal community relationships; to investigate the occurence, distribution and abundance of squid; to investigate the occurence of linefish species in shallow waters; and to study the biology of sharks and skates. Oceanographic...
West Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 050, January 1987
The objectives of the cruise were to survey by means of trawling the abundance of adult and recruiting hake; to investigate the the diurnal cycle of hake and other demersal species; to investigate the environment and interrelationships of hake and other demersal species; to establish the offshore limit of hake and monkfish distribution and to collect deep-water specimens of fish and cephalopods; to conduct mouth-opening experiments with transducers on each wing of the net, and to compare the...
West Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 054, June 1987
The scientific targets of the trip revolved around the determination of biomass index of both Cape hake species off the South African west coast. The diurnal cycle of Cape hake and their relationship with environmental parameters was also studied. Some hake material were collected in South West African waters. Deep-water trawls were made to delimit the offshore extent of hake distribution and to collect rare specimens of fish for accession to museums. Demersal community interrelationships...
South Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 056, September 1987
The objectives of the cruise were to survey by means of trawling the abundance of adult and recruiting hake, sole and other trawl target species; to investigate the environment and ecological interrelationships of hake and other demersal species in the various depth strata; to investigate the occurence, distribution and abundance of squid and squid larvae; to investigate the occurence of linefish species in shallow waters; to identify every species caught in the trawl net; and to do...
Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on the Algoa Voyage 209, August 2014
The Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 209, 5 to 15 August, 2014. The Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional platform to undertake relevant science in the Southern Benguela; also functioning as a platform for collaboration and learning. All projects aim to develop an ecosystem indicator that can be used to effectively monitor and understand the Southern Benguela i.e physical,...
Raw SPAR data from the Transkei Shelf Oceanography Cruise on the Algoa 241, July 2017
This is raw Surface Photosynthetically Active Radiation (SPAR) data from the Transkei Shelf Oceanography Cruise on the Algoa 241, 12 July to 11 August, 2017. The area covered includes the Transkei shelf and continental slope (20m to 1000m), of the Eastern Cape, between Cape St Francis and Port Shepstone in the South-West Indian Ocean.Our knowledge of the distribution of offshore benthic biodiversity on the Transkei shelf is very limited. The region between Algoa Bay and Port Edward is not...
Analysed Nitrate isotope data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruise on the Algoa Voyage 235, February 2017
Nitrate isotope data for the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB): Feb 2017.IEP:SB focuses on the biologically productive, cold waters of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which are inherently variable on short time-scales and responsive to changing weather patterns. The research aims to provide relevant, reliable and improved assessment of the ecosystem, in support of its effective management, preservation and conservation, so that South Africans can benefit...
Analysed Particulate Organic Matter data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruise on the Algoa Voyage 239, May 2017
Particulate Organic Matter data (stable isotope) for the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB): May 2017. IEP:SB focuses on the biologically productive, cold waters of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which are inherently variable on short time-scales and responsive to changing weather patterns. The research aims to provide relevant, reliable and improved assessment of the ecosystem, in support of its effective management, preservation and conservation, so...
Pre-processed Chl-a data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on RV Algoa Voyage 229, August 2016
Chl data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela on Algoa Voyage 229, 10 - 19 August 2016. The Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional platform to undertake relevant science in the Southern Benguela; also functioning as a platform for collaboration and learning. All projects aim to develop an ecosystem indicator that can be used to effectively monitor and understand the Southern Benguela i.e physical, chemical,...
Processed Chl-a data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on the Algoa Voyage 235, February 2017
This is processed Chl-a data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruise which was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 235 from 16 February 2017 to 28 February, 2017. IEP:SB focuses on the biologically productive, cold waters of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which are inherently variable on short time-scales and responsive to changing weather patterms. The research aims to provide relevant, reliable and improved assessment of the ecosystem, in support...
Analysed Particulate Organic Matter data from the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruise on the Algoa Voyage 235, February 2017
Particulate Organic Matter data (stable isotope) for the Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB): Feb 2017. IEP:SB focuses on the biologically productive, cold waters of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which are inherently variable on short time-scales and responsive to changing weather patterns. The research aims to provide relevant, reliable and improved assessment of the ecosystem, in support of its effective management, preservation and conservation, so...
Analysed primary production data from the 2017 Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruises
Analysed Particulate Organic Matter data, Nutrient data and Nitrate isotope data from the 2017 Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruises conducted in February, May, August and November. IEP:SB focuses on the biologically productive, cold waters of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which are inherently variable on short time-scales and responsive to changing weather patterms. The research aims to provide relevant, reliable and improved assessment of the...
Raw SADCP data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and...
Raw SDS data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is raw Scientific Data System (SDS) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and biological parameters that...
Processed XBT data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and biological...
Converted XBT data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is pre-processed Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and biological...
Raw Underway Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (UCTD) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 003, July 2012
This is raw Underway Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (UCTD) data from the Winter Shakedown Cruise on SA Agulhas II, Voyage 003, 9 July to 6 August, 2012. The cruise started in Cape Town and went down to the GoodHope Line then up to the Prince Edward Islands, on to Port Elizabeth and then back to Cape Town. After the arrival of SA Agulhas II back to South Africa, an inaugural Southern Ocean cruise was undertaken, which included a multidisciplinary program to measure oceanographic and...
Processed CTD discrete observations from the West Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 059, February 1988
Here we present processed Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) discrete data from the upcast collected between 02 February and 25 February 1988, during the West Coast Hake Biomass Cruise on the Africana Voyage 059, in the southern part of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) region on the west coast of South Africa. Neil Brown MK3 and MK4 CTD instruments were used to measure pressure, temperature and conductivity through the water column during research and monitoring cruises...
Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise: Cape Point and Port St Johns on the Algoa Voyage 204, November 2013
The Moorings and Monitoring Lines Cruise: Cape Point and Port St Johns was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 204, 25 November to 6 December, 2013. The South Coast Mooring Cruise had two scientific objectives: (1) Service, maintain and extend the in situ operational oceanography network currently deployed around South Africa and (2) to investigate the dynamics of the Port St Johns eddy and biological implications. On this cruise, the French ADCP SAMOC mooring was deployed. The Cape Recife...
South Coast Mooring Cruise on the Algoa Voyage 208, July 2014
The South Coast Mooring Cruise was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 208, 9 to 24 July 2014. Two ADCP current moorings and a thermistor chain were deployed along the Cape Point Monitoring line. Cape Recife ADCP current mooring was recovered. Four ADCP current moorings were recovered and serviced in Algoa Bay. Port St. Johns ADCP current mooring was recovered. Port St. Johns Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD)/bongo survey lines were completed. SVP drifters in the Agulhas Current core were...
Pelagic Fish Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 078, November 1989
The Pelagic Fish Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 078 from 7 - 30 November 1989. The objectives of the cruise were to conduct an estimation of the biomass and population structure of anchovy, pilchard and round herring off South Africa by means of echo-integration and midwater trawling; to conduct an estimation of anchovy biomass by means of the egg production method; to describe the distribution and behaviour patterns of commercially harvested epi-pelagic and meso-pelagic...
West Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana 069, January 1989
The West Coast Hake Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana 069 from 5 - 26 January 1989. The cruise was multi-disciplinary. The main target was to determine, by means of the swept area method, the present status of the hake resource on the South African west coast. In carrying out this study, it was possible also to collect some information on the environment and zooplankton (including squid larvae) in the vicinity of the catches and to determine some ecological interrelationships of...
South Coast Demersal Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 102, April 1992
The South Coast Demersal Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 102 from 31 March to 21 April 1992. The objectives of the cruise were to conduct a random stratified bottom trawl survey to assess the biomass, abundance, and distribution of hake, sole, horse mackerel, squid and other trawl species; to investigate the hydrology and current profiles of the South Coast and to relate this to the distribution of the major demersal trawl species. This included five transects extending...
Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 030, April 2018
The Marion Island Relief Voyage was conducted on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 030 from 13 April to 28 April 2018. The 2018 Marion Relief Voyage 030 offered the 6th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial and planktic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II en route to, and around, the...