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Raw SDS data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, April 2017

This is raw Scientific Data System (SDS) data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, 06 April to 12 May 2017. The 2017 Marion Relief Voyage offered the fifth opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA...

(No DOI)
Raw SDS data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on SA Agulhas II Voyage 011, April 2014

This is Scientific Data System (SDS) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on SA Agulhas II Voyage 011, 14 April to 14 May 2014. The 2014 Marion Relief Voyage on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II, offered another opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology. The overall aim was to continue contributing to the...

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Processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 (IIOE2) cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 028, October 2017

This is processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the IIOE2 cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 028 in October, 2017. The International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 is a collaborative regional cruise to build capacity and strength within Africa. The focus will be on developing students in the region in the areas of physical oceanography, chemistry, biological oceanography, benthic biodiversity, marine top predators and marine plastics. This dataset was processed using...

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Processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 (IIOE2) cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 032, June 2018

The International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 (IIOE2) is a collaborative regional cruise to build capacity and strength within Africa. The focus will be on developing students in the region in the areas of physical oceanography, chemistry, biological oceanography, benthic biodiversity, marine top predators and marine plastics. This is processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the IIOE2 cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 032, between the 10th June and 13th July 2018....

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Processed CTD data from the Pelagic Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 290, October 2016

This is processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the Pelagic Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 290 from 25 October - 14 December 2016. The cruise operated from Hondeklip Bay to Port St Johns, South Africa.The principal aim of the Pelagic Biomass Surveys is to obtain estimates of the total biomass of anchovy, sardine and west coast round herring and to obtain data on their population length frequency compositions, for input to the operational management procedure (OMP)...

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Processed SADCP data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, April 2017

This is processed Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Marion Island Annual Relief Voyage on the MV SA Agulhas II Voyage 024, 06 April to 12 May 2017. The 2017 Marion Relief Voyage offered the fifth opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar...

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Processed Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) data from the International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 (IIOE2) cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 032, June 2018

The International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 (IIOE2) is a collaborative regional cruise to build capacity and strength within Africa. The focus will be on developing students in the region in the areas of physical oceanography, chemistry, biological oceanography, benthic biodiversity, marine top predators and marine plastics. This is processed Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data from the IIOE2 cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 032, between the 10th June and 13th July 2018. This dataset...

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Processed CTD data from the Marion Island Relief on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 036, April 2019

The 2019 Marion Relief Voyage offered the 7th opportunity to conduct multi-disciplinary, shipbased marine research focusing on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry and biology, including microbial, planktic and benthic communities on board South Africa’s polar research and supply vessel MV SA Agulhas II en route to, and around, the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward archipelago. The overall aim was to continue contributing to an oceanographic...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26500004
Processed Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Total Alkalinity (TA) data from the International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 (IIOE2) cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 028 in October 2017

This is processed Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Total Alkalinity (TA) data from the IIOE2 cruise on SA Agulhas II Voyage 028, between 14 October and 15 November 2017. The International Indian Ocean Expedition 2 is a collaborative regional cruise to build capacity and strength within Africa. The focus will be on developing students in the region in the areas of physical oceanography, chemistry, biological oceanography, benthic biodiversity, marine top predators and marine plastics.

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.20210222
West Coast Hake Biomass Cruise on the Africana Voyage 010, June 1983

The West Coast Biomass Cruise was on the Africana Voyage 010 between the 17th June and 14th July 1983. Research was conducted from Orange River to Cape Agulhas along the coast of South Africa in order to survey, by means of trawling, the abundance of recruiting and adult hake.

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.21072024
South Coast Demersal Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 095, September 1991

The South Coast Demersal Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 095 was conducted on 12 September 1991 to 3 October 1991. The main objective of the survey was to conduct a random stratified bottom trawl survey to assess the biomass, abundance and distribution of hake, sole, horse mackerel, squid and other trawl species with emphasis on 'inshore' fishing areas for recruitment estimates; to investigate the hydrology and current profiles of the South Coast and to relate this to the distribution...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.18072024
South Coast Demersal Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 093, June 1991

The South Coast Demersal Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 093 was conducted from 7 June 1991 to 5 July 1991. The main objectives of the cruise were to conduct a random stratified bottom trawl survey to assess the biomass, abundance and distribution of hake, sole, horse mackerel, squid and other trawl species; to investigate the hydrology and current profiles of the South Coast and to relate this to the distribution of the major demersal trawl species; this will include five transects...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.08072024
Anchovy Recruitment Survey on the Africana Voyage 081, May 1990

The Anchovy Recruitment Survey on the Africana Voyage 081 was conducted from 07-12 May 1990. The objectives of the survey were to attain an estimation of the abundance and size-structure of anchovy recruits; describe the distribution and behaviour patterns of anchovy recruits and the influence of oceanographic variables on these; collect biological data on pelagic fish species; examine the distribution, abundance and production of zooplankton in relation to the environment, and to recruit...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.45072024
Pelagic Fish Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 097, November 1991

The Pelagic Fish Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 097 from 07 November to 03 December 1991. The objectives of the cruise were to estimate the biomass and population length structure of anchovy, pilchard, and round herring off South Africa by means of echo-integration and midwater trawling; to estimate anchovy biomass by means of the egg production method, and trial estimate pilchard biomass by means of the egg production method; to describe the distribution and behaviour...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.30072024
West Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 088, January 1991

The West Coast Hake Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 088 from 07-29 January 1991. The objectives of the cruise were to survey by means of bottom trawling the abundance of hake and other demersal species on the West Coast of South Africa; to investigate the environmental and ecological interrelationships of hake and other demersal species; to investigate the possible recovery of the stocks of West Coast Sole; to study the biology of chondrichthyan species; to collect...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.42072024
Horse Mackerel Hydroacoustic Pilot Survey on the Africana Voyage 096, October 1991

The Horse Mackerel Hydroacoustic Pilot Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 096 from 14-28 October 1991. The objectives of the cruise were to test the feasibility of obtaining an acoustic estimate of adult horse mackerel; to assess the ability to determine target detectability, target identification and target strength; to obtain an estimate of horse mackerel abundance in a sub-region. The size of the sub-region were to be determined by the time available and on the results of the...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.12072024
South Coast Demersal Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 082, May 1990

The South Coast Demersal Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 082 was conducted from 23 May - 13 June 1990. The objectives of the cruise were to survey by bottom-trawling the abundance of adult and recruiting hake, sole and other trawl target species; to make experimental bottom-trawls in deep water to establish the limit of hake distribution, and to collect deep-water specimens of fish and squid; to investigate the environment and ecological interrelationships of hake and other demersal...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.54072024
Pelagic Pre-Recruit Mesopelagic Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 101, March 1992

The Pelagic Pre-Recruit Mesopelagic Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 101 from 11-23 March 1992. The objectives of the cruise were to get an estimation of the biomass and population structure of pelagic pre-recruit fish off the West Coast by means of echo-integration and midwater trawling; to get an estimation of a pelagic pre-recruit biomass index using quantitative Methot trawls; to get an an estimation of the biomass and population structure of mesopelagic fish using...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.24072024
West Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 084, July 1990

The West Coast Hake Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 084 from 12 July - 06 August 1990. The objectives of the cruise were to survey by means of trawling the abundance of adult and recruiting hake in South African waters; to investigate diurnal cycle of hake and other demersal species; to investigate the environmental and ecological interrelationships of hake and other demersal species; to investigate the occurrence, distribution, and abundance of squid; to study the...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052232
Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on the Algoa Voyage 216, May 2015

The Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 216, 06 to 15 May, 2015. The Integrated Ecosystem Programme is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional platform to undertake relevant science in the Southern Benguela; also functioning as a platform for collaboration and learning. All projects aim to develop an ecosystem indicator that can be used to effectively monitor and understand the Southern Benguela i.e physical, chemical, planktonic, microbial,...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052250
Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on the Algoa Voyage 235, February 2017

This Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) cruise was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 235 from 16 February 2017 to 28 February, 2017. IEP:SB focuses on the biologically productive, cold waters of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which are inherently variable on short time-scales and responsive to changing weather patterms. The research aims to provide relevant, reliable and improved assessment of the ecosystem, in support of its effective management,...

DOI: 10.15493/dea.mims.26052231
Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) on the Algoa Voyage 214, February 2015

The Integrated Ecosystem Programme: Southern Benguela (IEP:SB) was conducted on the Algoa Voyage 214 in the South-East Atlantic Ocean from 16 to 25 February, 2015. The Integrated Ecosystem Programme is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional platform to undertake relevant science in the Southern Benguela; also functioning as a platform for collaboration and learning. All projects aim to develop an ecosystem indicator that can be used to effectively monitor and understand the Southern...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.12112024
Pelagic Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 108, November 1992

The Pelagic Spawner Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 108 from 05 November to 02 December 1992. The objectives of the survey were to get an estimation of the biomass and population length structure of anchovy, pilchard and round herring off South Africa by means of echo-integration and midwater trawling; estimation of anchovy biomass by means of the egg production method, and trial estimation of pilchard biomass by means of the egg production method; description of...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.09112024
Horse Mackerel Hydroacoustic Survey on the Africana Voyage 107, October 1992

The Horse Mackerel Hydroacoustic Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 107 from 07-23 October 1992. The objectives of the survey were to obtain a hydroacoustic estimate of horse mackerel abundance in the area between East London and Mossel Bay; to obtain acoustic estimates of anchovy and pilchard abundance east of Mossel Bay to assist in the design of the pelagic spawner biomass survey in November; to obtain a target strength/length relationship for horse mackerel and target strength...

DOI: 10.15493/DEA.MIMS.15112024
West Coast Hake Biomass Survey on the Africana Voyage 109, January 1993

The West Coast Hake Biomass Survey was conducted on the Africana Voyage 109 from 19 January to 08 February 1993. The objectives of the cruise were to survey by means of bottom trawling the abundance of hake and ither demersal species on the West Coast of South Africa; to investigate the environmental and ecological interrelationships of hake and other demersal species; to study the biology of chondrichthyan species; to investigate the evolution of chondrichthyan immune systems; to obtain...

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